

Asia Pacific Leadership Programme on Environment for Sustainable Development


UNEP-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD) has announced this year Asia-Pacific Leadership Programme on Environment for Sustainable Development (APLP). This year theme is on ‘Health and Sustainable Development’ and will be held from 3-7 June in Shanghai, China. As an alumnus of this course, I got email announcement for this year.

You can find more information on facebook page or in the website. If you are interested in last year programme which I attended you can click on APLP 2012.



  1. Hello Sanam. Nice to meet you and read your helpful post.

    My name is Khanh. I am from VietNam and I tend to apply for this program. I find it's really interesting and suits me.
    Would you mind sharing your experience in this trip?
    Thanks a lot.

    1. Hi,

      Last year, it was focused on Green Economy and Sustainable Development. Throught out the programme we discussed about the role of green economy to acheive sustainable development to focusing in different theme mainly energy consumption, people behaviour, pollution contraol to name few. In addition, there was an interesting session by Robert Steele, Director/Founder Sustainaility Asia, about how to build leadership at personal level and at team level. Most of the participants highlighted his sessioin very important and enjoying too. This year, the theme is Health and Sustainable Development and it should be interesting! If you planning to apply, i would suggest to go ahead and ALL THE BEST in advance!

